When you gift a scholarship you are giving back to kids, teens and their families who might otherwise not be able to learn valuable life skills like cooking and baking.
Your chance to help a family Cook with Meg
We want all kids to have the chance to learn new skills, make new friends and gain kitchen confidence. We know however that not every family is able to cover the added expense of an extra curricular activity.
We want to give companies, businesses and families the opportunity to help a family Cook with Meg. As such, we have created a very simple scholarship gift program.
How does it work?
- Scholarship gifts cover the cost to enrol in Cook with Meg classes, or one of our regular classes, or Summer/Winter camps
- Class registration includes all the basics: Zoom link, recipe + instruction
- Camp registration includes daily camp lessons, plus camp welcome pack (families are responsible to provide the groceries needed for classes)
- Our pricing varies for classes and camps, so let's chat!
- Choose between $30, $100, $300, $500, $1000 (plus GST). This will send 1, 3, 5, or 10 homes to a virtual class or cooking camp.
- If you wish to purchase a custom package, please contact us!
Simply choose the amount that you wish to gift and purchase below. Then, we hold spaces for kids and teens to attend our virtual cooking camps or classes. Example: a $100 gift, will grant one family/household a camp experience that includes their camp cooking lessons plus welcome package and any other additional “extras”, if the camps or classes are sponsored.
How are families selected?
We work quietly with various youth groups and organizations who aid families in need. We also post seasonally, to social media encouraging nominations. We also know that it can be a delicate balance, so we always keep it very light and will simply let them know we have a spot for them via the Cook with Meg We are Awesome Scholarship fund if they are interested. If you know a family you would like to nominate, please contact us.
Having said this, we do require that adults are present, able to help cook with the kids, and nearby for supervision and encouragement. Cook with Meg really is a family activity.
How are businesses thanked for their purchases?
We will always keep business names anonymous when gifting to the families, but if permitted, we would love to thank you or your business via social media for your generous scholarship purchase. Should you wish to remain anonymous, that is perfectly ok too. Once we receive your gift, we will reach out via email to discuss your wishes.
*Cook with Meg is not a registered charity, so please note that you will not receive a charitable donation receipt, but rather a sales receipt that can be used as a business expense for advertising, etc.